Monday 17 December 2012

Week of 17th December

This week we will continue to enjoy the preparations for Christmas,making Christmas decorations, cooking, singing and reading lots of Christmas stories.
Some of the children have been asking about Father Christmas's reindeer so we will be learning Rudolph the red nose reindeer and the names of the other reindeer, do you know them?

We hope to go to the school play on Monday and carol singing at school Thursday afternoon.

Don't forget £1 for the party Friday... We have a magician!!!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all the pre school team.

Communication and language:-
Listening to stories with increasing control.
A new poem called speeding through space by Brenda Williams.

Personal social and emotional development:-
Taking turns, working together, helping each other.

@home:- LOOK!!!!
Why not write about your Christmas in your green magic moment book.

Monday 10 December 2012

Week of 10th December

Glitter, glitter, glitter

This week we will be enjoying the prepartions for christmas, making christmas decorations, cooking, singing and reading lots of christmas stories.

Don't forget the breakfast on Tuesday

Communication and Language:-

Listening to stories with increasing recall.

Personal social and emotional development:-
Taking turns, working together, helping each other.
Self confidence and self awareness; communictae freely about home and community.

@Home LOOK!!!!

Have you got your tree up yet? Do tell us.
Blog Question:- Whats your favourite christmas food, ask all the family!!!!

Tuesday 4 December 2012

POWSA Christmas Fair this Friday

We are desperate for volunteers to help at the fair this Friday! Please let us know if you can help at any time during the afternoon to help setup or after school for running a stall. There is a form on the white board by the school office or you could email us to let us know -

Thanks - Jon

Sunday 2 December 2012

Week of 3rd December 2012

We had a lovely trip to the garden centre, all the children enjoyed themselves and we have come back full of ideas for things to make for Christmas. Each group had a challenge of objects to find whilst we walked round, which they all enjoyed taking part in.

This week we start our Christmas activities and celebrations.
We will be enjoying the Christmas story, playing with a Nativity scene and dressing up. We will also be making Christmas decorations to display on a tree at the chirtsmas tree festival at St Georges Church, Fordington. As well as some to take home for our own tree.

On Wednesday and Thursday we will be celebrating St Nicholas day, a popular Christmas Celebration in Germany and Holland.

EYFS (Understanding the world:People and communities)

Communication and Language:-

Listening to stories with increasing recall.

Personal Social and emotional development:-

Taking turns, working together, helping each other (getting on and falling out.)
Self confidence and self awareness, communicate freely about home and community.

@Home LOOK!!!!!

Don't forget the christmas faye on 7th December at 3.30 onwards in the main school hall.
The tree festival at St Georges Church, try to have a look.

Monday 26 November 2012

Week of 26th November 2012

This week we are off to the garden centre to look at the Chirtsmas decorations, from the trip we will be creating pictures in our learning journeys, making christmas decorations and much more, we will be listening to what the children have enjoyed to plan their learning.

We are also continuing this week to learn and discover about celebrations and the different ways we celebrate, leading up to christmas of course!

We are also planning to make something to sell at the Christmas Faye which takes place after school on the 7th December, we do hope you can come along.

Commuincation and Language:- Stories about families and celebrations
Celebrations around the world. Use fiction books about celebrations to ask children whjat they think is happening in the pictures.

Personal Social and Emotional:-

Taking turns, working together, helping each other (getting on and falling out)
Self confidence and self awareness, Communicate freely about home and community.

@Home LOOK!!!!

Can you bring in a picture of celebration you have had at home with family and or friends. Look out for the new link about celebrations under preschool understanding of the world.

Monday 19 November 2012

Week of 19th November 2012

Last we enjoyed learning about hibernation and hedgehogs, we will be continuing with that this week.
Also we will be thinking about being special and unique, and will be talking about similarties and differences in relation to family and friends.

On the 22nd we will look at American Thanksgiving. Do you have family or friends in America?

Communication and Language:- Stories about families and celebrations. Use stories to focus children's attention on predictions and explanations e.g. Why did? What do you think happened next?

Personal Social and Emotional Development:-
Taking turns, working together, helping each other (getting on and falling out)
Self confidence and self awareness; communicate freely about home and community.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!

Can you bring in a picture of celebration you have had at home with family and/or friends.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Children in Need

On Friday 16th November we will be supporting Children in Need. We are having a spotted theme.
Children can wear something spotty and bring a contribution towards Children in Need.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

week of 12th November 2012

Last week we read Badgers Bath by Nick Butterworth, which the children really enjoyed, this led to lots of discussion about animals that live in parks and woods, what they eat, where they sleep and hibernation.
So this week we are going to look at a selection of stories and books about small animals and we will be planning our activities from the questions the children ask.
We hope to have a visit from a small spiky animal and some animals with hard shells!
We will be playing lots of number games, includinh a hedgehog counting game.

Communication and language:-

Introducing new words such as hibernate.
Use stories to focus children's attention on predictions and explanations e.g. why did? what do you think happened next?

Personal social and emotional development:-

Taking turns, working together, helping each others (gettting on and falling out)
Using Percy the park keeper stories.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!

This week look at the preschool links for a link to Nick Butterworth and to the year cycle of a hedgehog.
Has anyone got pet mice they would like to bring to show us?

Monday 5 November 2012

Bingo Night

Don't forget Bingo night this friday (9th November) to support the Prince of Wales pre-school fundraising. Please come to the main school hall for 6pm and bingo books will be for sale on the night at £1.50 a book.
We would also appreciate your help with refreshments for the night and will send home paper plates for the cake sales.
Thank you and hope to see you there.

Week of 5th November 2012

This week we will be celebrating bonfire night with lots of crafts, music and role play.
We will be exploring the words in the whizz, crackle and bang poem thinking about how they sound.

Communication and Language

Firework poems 'november night countdown by Moria Andrew
Whiz, crackle, band by Tony Milton

Physical development:-

Dressing up for a bonfire party role play, building bonfires with logs and sticks. (No fire)!!!
Using one handed tools and equipment to make firework crafts.

If you go to a firework display bring in a picutre or find one in a book or magazine. Thank you.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Phoneix card orders

If you would like to order your phoneix card orders, please can all forms be handed in by tomorrow (25th October). The orders are being collected at 3.30pm.  30% of all orders go towards Pre-school fundraising.

Monday 22 October 2012

Week of 22nd October 2012

The children have been continuing enjoying the book 'I see fall' we have been looking at the different things that are happening on each page, then we have been trying to see if we can do them in the
classroom, so this week we will be dressing up, continuing on with autumn crafts, making lanterns.

Don't forget we break up for half term on Thursday 25th October and return Monday 5th November.

Communication and Language:- Listening and recall of 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming.
Talking about new words, celebrate, silhouette, fall, britches, what do they mean and how can we use them.

Physical Development:- Dressing up, beginning to manage tops and trousers. Threading leaves.

PSED:- Thinking about kind hands.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!

Think about your favourite thing about Autumn and bring it in. It could be a picture or photo, a leaf, a conker, a story etc OR if you go to a firework display bring in a picture. Thank you.


Sunday 21 October 2012


The School Nurse will be running a drop in from 8:45am tomorrow morning (Monday 22nd October). Want to know more about what the School Nurse does please see this useful web link from Dorset HealthCare University NHS Trust:

Thursday 18 October 2012

Mid week question

Can you find your favourite picture or object about Autumn?
It could be a leaf, conkers or something very exciting!!!!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

POWSA Blog - Non ICT Day

I have this little sister Lola, she is small and very funny.  Next Wednesday (the 24th of October) will be a non-ICT day.  That means all the children, including Lola and all the teachers cannot use computers or other technology in school! There will be no blogging, no typing, no googling, no surfing. There will certainly be no interactive white boarding, no tweeting, no ipadding, no videoing and certainly no tomatoes! Lola is looking forward to catching out her teachers, if they use some ICT, they have to pay a 50p fine!  Hopefully all the children will help Lola and raise funds for the school. Thank you - Charlie (and the POWSA Committee) - PS donations to POWSA for school equipment will be welcomed (as always!!)

POWSA Blog - Book Fair!

Just a quick reminder that the scholastic book fair starts today.  The books are available to browse by both children and parents after school Wed-Mon and at the parents evening tonight. Why not stock up on a few Christmas presents, or introduce your kids to another fantastic author? Once our target has been reached, the school receive 60% of the profit back to spend on books for school.  This has proven a very profitable venture in the past and we hope to replicate the success again this year!

Monday 15 October 2012

week of 15th October

This week we will continue to learn and explore all about Autumn, it's colours and the weather.
We will be threading, making a collage, using clay and waiting for a windy day to play with ballons.

Communication and language:-

Listening to 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming. Look for the book on our pre-school link under literacy.
Thinking about words and sounds to descibe the autumn weather.

Physical Development:-
An Autumn walk, threading leaves.
PSED thinking about kind hands

@Home LOOK!!!!!

If you go out picking blackberries this weekend, why not bring some in to share with us.
Don't forget to go to the school book sale, scholastic books are very good, and the pre-school and school earn commission.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Week of 8th October 2012

This week we will be continuing with our topic about Harvest and autumn. Learning about the different things that are made from wheat and oats.
Talking and learning about autumn and what happens in the autumn.
Some of the things we will be doing this week include junk modelling, cooking, threading and using lovely autumn colours to paint.

Don't forget to look at the preschool pupil links.

Communication and Language:-
Listening to 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming. Thinking about all the words to describe Autumn.

Physical development:-

Using fingers and hands to paint, use tools, kneading bread and using our fingers for action rhymes and songs.

PSED:- Thinking about kind hands.

@Home LOOK!!!!!

Take a look at our new pupil link to Tractor Ted, Which tells you what is happening on the farm this month, Thank you Scarlett and her family for giving us the link.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Week of 1st October 2012

This week we will be learning about Harvest.

We will be learning abut what happens and why at harvest time on the farm.
For those who attend Friday we will be joining school for harvest festival celebrations.
We are going to look at some breakfast cereals and try them e.g. those made with oats, wheats and corn.
We will also be doing lots of activities that need fingers such as planting, finger printing and cooking.

Communication and Language:-

'The little red house with no doors and no windows and a star inside' by Caroline Sherwin Bailey

DON'T FORGET you an read our apple story by clicking on pupil links on the school home page, click on pre school folder and then on literacy.

Harvest and farm stories.

Physical development:-

Using fingers and hands to print, use tools, kneading bread and using fingers for action ryhmes and songs.

PSED:- Thinking about kind hands.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!!

Tell us if you have seen a combine harvester, can you find a picture at home?


The simming pool is now open and we are back to swimming this afternoon.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Parents' views are important to us

Whilst it is mainly designed for parents of school aged children, we would like to invite you to contribute to Ofsted's questionnaire about Amanda's pre-school. Just follow the link to Parent View from the Home page of our website. It will only take a few minutes!

Saturday 22 September 2012


There will be NO swimming this week at pre-school due to the swimming pool being closed. Will inform everyone when it is open again.

Week of 24th September 2012

This week we will continue to use apples as a theme for our learning. We will be making apple bisucits or muffins and apple crisps in the oven.
We will be saving pips to plant and learn a song about apple seeds to accompany the activity. We will also be playing board games and snap, and enjoying the role play area as a shop.
We will be using your blog star answers this week to make a graph so if you haven't answered the question in the home section please do so.

Communication and Language:-

'the little red house with no doors and no windows and a star inside by Caroline Sherwin Bailey
Starting to look at harvest books.

Physical Development:- Movement and handling, uses one handed tools e.g. scissors to snip and knives to make sandwiches and cooking.

@home:- LOOK!!!!!!!

Whats your favourite way to eat an apple?

Don't forget to join our fund raising committee

Thursday 20 September 2012


I am delighted to confirm that our school film 'Running Blind' has been
selected to be screened at the Co-operative Film Festival 2012.
Congratulations! The organisers of the Film Festival are currently in the
process of creating a programme for the festival and a letter confirming the
date and time of our screening (Thursday 1st November or Friday 2nd November)
will follow in due course. For more information about the Co-operative Film
Festival 2012 please visit:
For more information about 'Running Blind' see our previous Blog post at:
and to watch the film click here:

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Listen back to our pupils on Wessex FM!

Every morning this week Wessex FM are playing clips from pupils at the Prince of Wales First School as part of their Breakfast Show feature 'School Report'. This is currently going out each morning on Wessex FM at 6.30am and 8.30am (after the news). If you have missed the first two days, you can now listen back at: For more information about the pupils visit to Wessex FM, check out the Digital Leader Blog at:

Sunday 16 September 2012

Week of 17th September 2012

This week, weather permitting we will be going to the school orchard to pick apples, starting our theme of apples and harvest. When we have picked and stored them we will be planning with the children how they would like to cook them.
We will be recording the activity for our learning journey through pictures and photographs, and arts and crafts.@Home
We will be using the information from the blog question and what the children choose to make a simple graph.
We will also be finishing off any lighthouse activities.

Communication and language (listening and attention)
The lighthouse keeper stories by Rhonda and David Armitage, listening to stories with increasing attention and recall. Starting to look at harvest books.

Physical development
Movement and handling, uses one handed tools e.g. Scissors to snip and knives to make sandwiches.
Lots of different ways to enjoy threading.

@Home: LOOK!!!!
Whats your favourite way to eat an apple? (whole, crumble, pie, juice etc.) A star to fill in your answer is in your pigeon hole.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Week of 10th September 2012

This week we are reading The Lighthouse keepers stories. We are starting with the Lighthouse keepers lunch. We will be remembering the sequence of the story, threading, making snadwiches and investigating how pulleys work.

Communication and Language:-

The lighthouse keeper stories by Rhonda and David Armitage, listening to stories with increasing attention and recall.

Physical Development:-

Movement and handling, uses one handed tools e.g. Scissors to snip and Knives to make sandwiches.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!

Can you bring in a picture of what you enjoyed in the holidays?

Saturday 8 September 2012


We love it when we log in and see that a comment has been made on our blogs! It shows you are reading them and encourages all of us to write more! All comments made on the class blogs, through the school website, can also be read out to the classes during carpet time...which the children love! To make a comment simply click the blog title on the school website and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Fill in the comment box with your comment and sign in with one of several account options or just add your comment as a guest by selecting ‘name/url’. To publish your comment, click ‘publish’. Any questions, please see Mr. Spracklen.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Week of 5/9/12

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely summer break and are looking forward to the new term. This week we will be thinking back to what we did in the summer holidays and enjoying an ICT and craft activity with that theme. We will be settling into our new routines and enjoying playing outside.

Sorting and matching activities.


Books about holidays. Introducing the lighthouse keeper stories.

@Home LOOK!!!!!!!

Can you bring in a picture of what you enjoyed in the holidays?

Tuesday 4 September 2012

'Running Blind' to be shown in ICCI 360 Cinema

We are excited to announce that our Paralympic inspired film 'Running Blind' will be shown tomorrow (05/09/12) from 3-4.30pm as well as on Saturday (08/09/12) and Sunday (09/09/12) in the ICCI 360 Cinema in Weymouth. The ICCI 360 Cinema is part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad and more information about the cinema can be found at this link -

Further information about our film can be seen below:

We have made our own animated film to celebrate a year of Paralympic activities in our school and we are now really proud to share it with the world! Inspired by blind footballer David Clark and ex-pupil and former Paralympic medallist Mark Newton, we have created Running Blind a Paralympic story with an agricultural twist featuring an angry bull, a Dorset farmer and the Team GB Paralympic training camp at Maiden Castle. Children across the school worked with a team of artists to write, draw, animate, voice and direct the three minute film which is being screened during London 2012 Paralympic Games. Blind goalscorer David Clarke faces the challenge of his life as he prepares for the Games. Players are baffled when a lost match ball is mysteriously heard moving around the pre-games venue at Maiden Castle.

With the help of other Paralympians, sharp-eyed schoolchildren help solve the riddle but getting that ball back takes all of the blind striker’s extraordinary skills. Project producer and drama therapist Sharon Hayden said the children had come up with some wonderful story ideas. “Through drama sessions and working with our scriptwriting mentor, they have produced a great story - and done it justice with some lovely drawing and animation. “We are incredibly grateful to funders First Light and West Dorset District Council who have given these children the opportunity to make something which will be seen by thousands of people.”

Assistant head Gary Spracklen said the experience had been one that would live with the children forever. “The team of artists from our production partner Nisbet Media have done a wonderful job and involved the whole school in this project. It has been extraordinary to see the different elements of the film come together.”

Running Blind is funded by the Lottery through the BFI's First Light initiative.


Making of film:  

Wednesday 18 July 2012


The Prince of Wales First School invites you to a film premiere: Running Blind at Dorchester Middle School on Thursday July 19th 2012 at 6pm. Please let the school office know if you are able to attend - phone 01305 257121 or email: Light refreshments will be served by POWSA. Dress: smart or smart casual. (No school uniform)

Sunday 15 July 2012

Film Premiere this Thursday

The Prince of Wales First School invites you to a film premiere: Running Blind
at Dorchester Middle School on Thursday July 19th 2012 at 6pm. Please let the
school office know if you are able to attend - phone 01305 257121 or email: Light refreshments will be served by POWSA.
Dress: smart or smart casual.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Olympic Torchbearer Visits

We had a special visit from Olympic Torchbearer - Wendy Pittendrigh on Tuesday 10th July. Wendy ran with the torch on the first day of the torch procession in Penzance, Cornwall. Some classes have been collecting donations for the photos taken with Wendy and the Olympic Torch. Apologies for telling some of you that the charity Wendy raises money for is Breast Cancer Care when it is actually Cancer Research UK/Race for Life. The link for Wendy's JustGiving page where donations can be made is You can read all about why Wendy was nominated to carry the torch by clicking this link: Mr. Spracklen


Come to the Circus on SATURDAY 21ST JULY 2012 at Frome Valley First School, Crossways. The performance starts at 2pm until 4pm, but the fun starts at 12 noon for FOR BOUNCY CASTLE, FACE PAINTING, REFRESHMENTS, BBQ, JUGGLER, CIRCUS SKILLS & SILENT AUCTION TICKETS ONLY £7 (AGE 2 AND UNDER FREE) Available from the Prince of Wales School Office or from Fiona Staddon.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Olympic Rings Video

Many thanks for supporting our Olympics Colours Day! Despite a bit of drizzle, we made a great film of all the classes making the Olympic Rings. To watch this video, click the blog title on the school website and press the play button.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Reminder - Home Learning Competition!

Just a quick reminder that Mr. Farrington, Miss. Johnson and Mr. Spracklen would like to see some fantastic examples of ‘Home Learning’ captured in a photograph. We are thinking art projects, work on Mathletics, spelling practice, visits to museums, reading, having a discussion on SWGfL Merlin, doing some research and much more! The opportunities are endless and special attention will be given to those entries that think creatively. As a prize we hope to feature the best images on a newly designed home learning booklet that all pupils will be using in September. Therefore, by submitting your photographs to the competition you are agreeing that they can be used for this purpose. All competition entries should be sent by email to the school office ( no later than 3.30pm on Friday 6th July, 2012. Any questions please see Mr. Spracklen or Miss. Johnson. Thank you for your continued support, Mr. Spracklen

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Week of 18th June 2012

This week we will be continuing with our activities we have planned following our trip to the outside play area at the childrens centre.

We will be looking at bugs and bug hunting, making a log pile and a diary and photo record of whats happeing in the log pile.

Our role play will be going on a bus journey. If you went on a bus journey where would you like to go?

We will also have lots of books and pictures about going to reception.

PSRN:- Using Mick Inkpen's great pet sale to count and add on.

CLL:- The stories of Mick Inkpen including The Great Pet sale, Billy's Beetle and Kipper's Monster.

@Home LOOK!!!!!

Do you have slugs and snails in your garden? Have you found any interesting bugs?

Wednesday 13 June 2012

What did you think of our Soirée?

A big well done to all our performers who did the school proud last night in our annual Summer Musical Soirée! If you missed it, we had Recorders, Guitars, Violins, Drums, a Cello, a Saxophone, a Mystery Guest plus so much more! We also had a group of World Famous Performers (also known as the Prince of Wales School Staff Choir). We would love to know what you thought of the Summer Musical Soirée and welcome your comments using this blog. Simply click the blog title (on the school website) - scroll to the bottom of the page and add text in the field which says: 'Post a comment'. Choose your account type or alternatively click name/url. To publish your post click 'Publish'.


I would like to say a thank-you to everyone who helped to make the evening such a success. Special thanks must go to: Miss. Broodle, Mrs. Staddon, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Bernard, Mr. Creee, Mr. Thornton, Mrs. Hopkins and Dorchester Middle School for hosting. Mr. Spracklen

Thursday 7 June 2012

Reminder - Musical Soirèe

A quick reminder that the Prince of Wales Musical Soirèe is going to be taking place on Tuesday 12th June at 6pm in the Dorchester Middle School hall. Doors open at 5.45pm for a Drinks Reception that will include canapés created by each class as part of our Food for Life work. The purpose of the celebration is for all children to gain experience in performing in front of an audience and see the progress our children are making musically as they progress through the school and beyond. If you would like to join us for the celebration please speak to a member of the Office Team. Mr. Spracklen

Spare Bunting?

As the Diamond Jubilee celebrations officially come to an end, we would love to accept your spare bunting that you may now be taking down. We hope to use the bunting as part of our Musical Soiree at Dorchester Middle School on Tuesday 12th June, 2012. Any spare bunting can be given to Mr. Spracklen or Mrs. Webb a.s.a.p.

Monday 21 May 2012

POWSA biggest Raffle ever!

POWSA biggest Raffle ever - prizes are as follows (and more to follow!!!)  Make sure you buy some raffle tickets, ready for the Summer Fair this Saturday 11am - 2pm: A set of Golf Clubs, Sunday lunch for 2 adults and up to 3 children at Moonfleet Manor Hotel, Poundbury Cycles - complimentary bike service, Bonjour! Cafe - £10 voucher, Dorset Wine - £5 Voucher, Cafe on the Green - Cream Tea voucher, Olives et al - voucher, 2 x Miniature Clocks, A Treasure Trail, Brand New Shoulder Bag from Peacocks, 4x complimentary tickets Weymouth Sealife Park, 1x complimentary family ticket Abbotsbury Swannery, 2x complimentary family ticket Lulworth Castle and Park, 1x complimentary family ticket Pecorama, Jordan & Jordan collapsible camping colander, On the Table £10 gift voucher
Dodgesons - Pair of tough Gardening gloves, Wise Owl Toys - Colour your own Puzzles, Pure - Back, Neck & Shoulder massage, Tesco - Liquor Chocolates, Step toes - bag, Seven Springs Studio – Family Portrait Voucher and makeover Photography Voucher.

Week of 21st May- Afternoons

This week and next we will be celebrating the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
We will be doing lots of activities using the colours red white and blue including hand printing, making crowns and college.

Don't forget the summer fair on Saturday 26th, fill a jar and donate a cake!
If you can help, please put your name down on the list.

Lets hope for some sunny weather!!!!!

PSRN:- Role play corner as the post office

CLL:- Sounds and letters-enjoying books that rhyme.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!
Can you find a favourite story at home that rhymes.

Week of 21st May- Mornings/All day

This week and next we will be celebrating the Queens Diamond Jubilee. We will be making a special memento, crowns, enjoying music and fanfares, coin rubbings, flags and lots more.
We will continue to do our gardening and will be starting our garden in a wheelbarrow based on Percy the park keeper stories, which we will be entering into a competition at Value House in Weymouth.

Don't forget the summer fair on Saturday 26th, fill a jar and donate a cake!
If you can help please put your name down on the list.

Lets hope for some summer weather!!!!

PSRN:- Patterns using red, white and blue. Role play corner as the post office.

CLL:- Lots of non fiction books and magazines with pictures of the Queen and the jubilee. Making postcards and writing our names.

@Home:- Please bring in a picture of the Queen, a member of the royal family or a picture of a jubilee event from the newspaper or a magazine for our scapbook.

Tuesday 15 May 2012


It has come to my attention that some pupils in school have Facebook accounts. May I take this opportunity to remind you that the terms and conditions of using Facebook state that the user must be 13 years or over (Article 4.5). If your child does have an account then they have already broken the terms of the site and have lied about their age. As a school we will be contacting Facebook to get your child's account removed. Although we now have a school Facebook account for parental communication, we want to make it very clear that this is an adult site that is not suitable for children. Mr. Farrington

Friday 11 May 2012

Week 14.5.12- Afternoon children

This week we are contining to have a go at making pictures of faces, drawing mummy or daddy, singing lots of songs such as heads shoulders knees and toes, thinking where the parts of the body are from our songs. Making collage and threading.


PSRN:- 5 fingers, 10 fingers
How many can we thread?

CLL:- Lots of books about healthy bodies and healthy food.

@Home:- Can you sing heads shoulders knees and toes at home?

week of 14.5.12-Morning/All day children

This week on Thursday 17th we will be visiting the life education van. In preparation for this we will continue with our healthy awareness theme. We will be concentrating on fruit, breakfast and some dairy such as cheese aand yoghurt.
We will be playing fruit bingo, making a fruit quiz (watch out for that) making fruit kebabs and lots more!!


PSRN:- Making graphs of our favourite breakfasts
Estimating and calculating
Making tally's of sandwich requests.

CLL:- Lots of books about healthy bodies and healthy food.
Olivers fruit salad.

@Home:- What's your child's favourite breakfast? Fill in a star.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Parent come and play session

Thank you all for coming to our stay and play parent morning. It was great to see so many of you.
Look forward to seeing you at the next one in june which will be on a tuesday

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Dorchester Carnival

This years carnival has no theme, so we have chosen a theme for the Prince of Wales School as the Olympics!  A great chance to dress up as an Olympic athlete!  The carnival is on Saturday the 16th June.  If you would like to be involved, to help or further information, please contact Mrs Bernard or Mrs Scott.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Week of 8th May-Morning session

This week we are finishing off the looking at the honey biscuits book by making the biscuits from the recipe in the back.
We are then moving on to talk about healthy bodies, and parts of our body.

We are going to continue with our planting outside.


PSRN:- Exploring numbers past 10

CLL:- Lots of books about healthy bodies and healthy food.

@Home:- Play games asking where is your...... (elbow/nose/knee etc)

week of 8th May-Afternoon Children

This week we are going to have a go at making pictures of faces, drawing mummy or daddy, singing lots of songs such as heads shoulders knees and toes, thinking where the parts of the body are.


PSRN:- 5 fingers, 10 fingers etc

CLL:- Lots of books about healthy bodies and healthy food.

@Home:- Can you sing heads shoulders knees and toes at home.

Thursday 3 May 2012

REMINDER - Tesco Vouchers

Our school needs your help to collect Tesco schools vouchers! Vouchers collected in previous years have exceeded 20,000 and have helped us to obtain some exciting resources. This year we are looking to set a school record and collect more vouchers than ever before! Please try to collect as many vouchers as you can and do not be afraid to ask your friends, neighbours, work colleagues for their vouchers as well. Many people who do not have children simply discard these vouchers and we could make valuable use of them. Collecting boxes are by the school office. Please bring in your vouchers on or before 01/06/12.

Mr. Butcher's Off Today!

FROM MR. BUTCHER'S BLOG - Today we set off. Meeting up at Heathrow later for the flight to Dheli in India, then onto Khatmandu Nepal arriving Friday. Saturday we fly to Pakhara and start the trek after a long drive. READ MORE NOW - Simply follow the link on the school homepage or follow @powsiteman on Twitter.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Week 30th April 2012-Afternoon children

This week we will be threading using beads, teddies and cards and making pasta necklaces.
We will be doing handprinting with a friends and talking about kind hands.
We will be using our hands and fingers to plant seeds.

PSRN:- Exploring number and counting using story time.

CLL:- Number stories, Ex[ploring rhyme wih sounds and letters.

@Home:- Think of number rhymes to sing at home e.g. 5 little Ducks and 5 Frogs.

Week of 30th April 2012-Morning and all day children

This week we are finsiging off our vegetable challenge, using the last of our vegetables to make soup and pizza.
We will be then looking at a book called Honey Biscuits which some of the children have enjoyed and been asking about bees. We will be talking about where the diffrent ingredients come from.
We will also be planting seeds and vegetables in our garden.
HAS ANYONE GOT A BIG WHEELBARROW WE CAN BORROW OR HAVE, we are entering a garden competition and it needs to be grown in a wheelbarrow.

PSRN:- Exploring with numicon
Weighing and counting out ingredients.

CLL:-Honey Biscuits by Meredith Hooper
The next issue of our newspaper will be out soon.

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden?
What are mum and dad's favourite vegetables?

Thursday 26 April 2012


A NOTE FROM THE POWSA BLOG - This years Summer Fair will be on the 26th May between 11am and 2pm.  Please come and join in!  If you would like to help, there is a form on the POWSA noticeboard (opposite the Office).

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Settings Change

Our blog settings have been changed to improve the use of blogs throughout the school. You can now add a comment to a blog post without being required to sign in. Why not have a go at this now by clicking this blog title and navigating and clicking on the text which says, 'comments'. Comments are an excellent way we can have positive feedback on the work we are all doing in school and you are all doing through home learning. Mr. Spracklen

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Mr. Spracklen’s Digital Leaders

A big THANK YOU to all pupils who applied to become one of Mr. Spracklen’s Digital Leaders! There was a huge response and it was very difficult to pick just one child from each class. I have have now decided who will represent each class and have written to each pupil offering them positions as Digital Leaders and inviting them to our first meeting. May I thank everyone again who applied and encourage those pupils that were not successful this time to apply again in the future and attend one of our I.C.T lunchtime clubs which currently include Augmented Reality Club on a Monday lunchtime with me, Mr. Spracklen and Maths I.C.T Club on a Friday lunchtime with Miss. Johnson.

Monday 23 April 2012

week of 23.4.12-Afternoon children

This week we will be reading Wibblys Garden, and Jaspers beanstalk, finding the creatures in the story, then seeing if we can find them in the garden and planting seeds. Thinking and learning about roots, and what is needed to make things grow.
We will be reading the story of Jack and the beanstalk and exploring activities around the story.

PSRN:- Counting using Wibblys garden story

CLL:- Wibbly's Garden

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden?

week of 23.4.12

This week is our vegetable challenge week, hopefully the children will be bringing in their favourite vegetables which we will eat for snack, or cook with or even use for printing, our challenge is to use everything by the end of the week. Talk about what we like and try our friends favourites if they are new to us. We will be drawing, painting and making booklets to record the week.

PSRN:- A vegetable shop in the number area. Using number language bigger, long and longer, short and small.

CLL:- Olivers vegetables, lots of non fiction growing books. the next issue of our newspaper will be out soon.

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden?
What have you been planting?

Monday 16 April 2012

Week of 15/4/12-Morning/All day children

Welcome back to the summer term. with lots of summery weather!
This week we will be planting seeds, planning things to grow and organising our outside spaces for growing.
We will be doing lots of measuring. We will be exploring floating and sinking. we have lots of activities planned using our names to think about letters and their sounds.

PSRN:- Measuring, watching things grow and recording their changing measurements. Using and exploring tallest, shortest and asking the questions which is tallest, longest or the shortest.

CLL:- Aseed in need, Wibblys Garden, Jaspers beanstalk

@Home:- When your out and about or busy at home ask what you can see that is tallest or shortest.
Have you got any vegetables growing in your garden? Did you grow them from seed?

Sunday 15 April 2012

Week of 16/4/12-Afternoon children

Welcome back to the summer term, this week we will be reading wibblys garden, finding creatures in the story, then seeing if we can find them in the garden, and planting seeds. Thinking and learning about roots, and what is needed to make things grow.

We will be reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and exploring activities around the story.

PSRN:- counting using wibblys garden story.

CLL:- Wibblys garden, Jasper beanstalk

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden.

Tarpaulins Needed

Do you have a spare tarpaulin that you could let Year 2 borrow? We will be using them for a large art based project we have planned in the coming weeks. Any large tarpaulin in any colour would be very gratefully received. We promise to look after your tarpaulin and return it to you when we have finished our project. Please pass your named tarpaulin to Mr. Spracklen or Mrs. Webb in Year. 2 if you have one who will take good care of it. Many thanks in advance.

Saturday 31 March 2012


Our school needs your help to collect Tesco schools vouchers! Vouchers
collected in previous years have exceeded 20,000 and have helped us to obtain
some exciting resources. This year we are looking to set a school record and
collect more vouchers than ever before! Please try to collect as many vouchers
as you can and do not be afraid to ask your friends, neighbours, work
colleagues for their vouchers as well. Many people who do not have children
simply discard these vouchers and we could make valuable use of them.
Collecting boxes are by the school office. Please bring in your vouchers on or
before 01/06/12.

Friday 30 March 2012

Mr F's Bangalore blog


Why not follow Mr Farrington on his Bangalore Blog which he will be updating everyday whilst in Inda.

Monday 26 March 2012

Week of 26th March 2012-Morning and all day children

We will be thinking about Easter and asking children what words they use to describe Easter. We will use these words this week as a reference for our learning for example are we using the words as ideas for crafts, snacks and to reflect our sense of community.

On friday we will be joining school for a bears and pyjama day working with our partners in Year 3 using the story of the Gruffalo.

PSRN:- Using the role play Easter shop to record, make lists and count.

CLL:- Easter books, stories and an easter poem, easter must be coming by Brenda Williams.
Friday- the Gruffalo

@Home:- Please fill in a star to say if you or someone in your family comes from somewhere else apart from dorchester.


Week of 26th March 2012-Afternoon children

This week we will be enjoying stories and crafts about Easter.

We will be doing paint and collage activities to make our decorations.

We had a lovely week last week, hope everyone enjoyed the very hungry caterpillar as much as we did.

PSRN:- Using songs to count,
5 hot cross buns in the bakers shop etc

CLL:- Easter stories including Spots first Easter

@Home:- Sing counting songs and rhymes


Friday 23 March 2012

REMINDER - Ofsted Parent View

As you know at the Prince of Wales First School we are always looking for
feedback and encourage you to provide this in a variety of ways. Whether this
is through face-to-face conversation, comments on our class blogs or through
our annual parents questionnaire, we always welcome your feedback. Building on
this, we would now encourage you to go online and express your views using the
new 'Parent View' website from Ofsted. This 12-question survey will help other
parents as they make important choices about their child's education and
provide Ofsted with information about our school that will help them inform
their priorities for inspection. The questionnaire does not allow free text
comments but invites responses to a series of closed questions. To express your
view, please visit our school website now and click on the parent tab and look
for the link to the Parent View website. Alternatively, visit:

Thursday 22 March 2012

Sport Relief Mile

We are planning to join in with the “Sport Relief Day” on Friday 23rd March by all “running a mile” within the school grounds and dressing up in fancy dress (the theme being “something silly”). There will be a 3-lap course set up within the school. Different groups of children will be covering the mile-long course in different ways- mostly walking, some children using wheelchairs, some running parts of the course, there might be some skipping, dribbling footballs, balancing tennis balls on rackets etc. I’m sure you get the idea. We will be encouraging the children to come up with their own entertaining ideas for the event. Older children will be allowed to cover more than a mile if they are comfortable doing so, though we will be limiting the amount of time participating to one hour. The children will not be put under any pressure to actually finish the mile if they become tired. We will, however, be presenting the activity as a worthy challenge. We will be doing this on the morning of Friday 23rd March, starting at 9.30, though staggering the classes to avoid congestion at the start. The Reception class will be doing the “run” in the afternoon. We are asking the children to collect some sponsorship money. All money collected will go to the Sport Relief fund. We provide you with a copy of the Sport Relief sponsor form. As well as a funny costume the children will of course need appropriate footwear for the “run”. Thank you for your support. Yours sincerely, Mr D MacBean - P.E. Co-ordinator

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Week of 19th March- Afternoon Children

Last Thursday the children enjoyed the story of the very hungry caterpillar, so this week we will be using the book as our inspiration to make caterpillars and butterflies.
We will also be starting to discover and learn about Easter and Spring.

PSRN:- Lots of sorting and matching activities. Using the very hungry caterpillar to count days of the week in the story and how much food etc.

CLL:- The very hungry caterpillar, Books about spring and growing, Books and pictures about Easter.

@Home:- Are there bulbs coming up in your garden or can you see any at the park or somewhere else?

Have you seen any ladybirds, bugs or frogs spawn?

Week of 19th March- Morning/All day sessions

This week is set to be very busy for all of us at pre-school. We are joining with the school for a week about the Olympics.
We have chosen to think about our own country and find out where we live on the map and where around the country our friends and family are from.
We have two exciting activities this week, On Tuesday Bill from JUNIOUR GEO is coming to talk about fossils and on wednesday we will be visiting the Jurassix Coast Van. Too look and explore their fossils.

PSRN:- Using maths language to talk about size, big, medium and small. Weighing and comparing using maths language such as heavy and light.

CLL:- We will be looking at lots of non-fiction books, pictures and using the internet to 'research' our topic.

@Home:- Please fill in a star to say if you or someone in your family comes from somewhere else apart from Dorchester. If you have any interesting fossils or rocks at home please bring them in to show us.

Monday 19 March 2012

Jurassic Coast Van

As part of our Olympic Humanities Week, all pupils will be visited by the Jurassic Coast Van on Wednesday. This is part of the ‘Big Jurassic Classroom’ project that the school is involved in which encourages us to think about our local World Heritage Site as the Olympics draws closer. On Wednesday why not ask your child what work they completed with the Jurassic Coast Team? Did they see any fossils? Can they remember the fossil names? How is a fossil formed?

Thursday 15 March 2012

Dangers posed by Jequirity Bean Bracelets

The DCC Health and Safety team have alerted us to the dangers posed by Jequirity Bean bracelets. These bracelets have been on sale at various retail outlets across the UK,including the Eden Project in Cornwall.  The Jequirity bean bracelet ismade from the deadly seed of the plant abrus precatorious. It contains thetoxin abrin that if swallowed, has the potential to kill in doses of just 3micrograms. Abrin is chemically similar to ricin, a chemical warfare agent.People who have bought, or are in possession of the bracelets, are beingurged to bag them, then wash their hands and avoid touching their eyes.They should then hand the bracelet into their local police station where itwill be disposed of safely.There is further information available on the Public Health Agency websiteon the following link: have attached an image of the bracelet for your information.

Monday 12 March 2012

Week of 12th march- afternoon children

This week we will be making something special for an important event next weekend!!!

We will be looking at things that are starting to grow, flowers, bulbs and seeds.

PSRN:- lots of sorting and matching activities.

CLL:- The bad tempered ladybird.
Books about spring and growing

@Home:- are there bulbs coming up in your garden or can you see any at the park or somewhere else?
Have you seen any ladybirds, bugs or frog spawn?

Week of 12th March 2012- morning children

A busy week this week starting off with our trip to the garden centre. We will be looking for seeds, and at spring bulbs, flowers and vegetable plants.

We will be looking at the mothers day and Easter displays, we are going to photograph the things we like best and decide what we want to plant in the outside space.
Finishing off with a trip to the cafe.

We will also be preparing something special for a special event!!

PSRN:- counting everyday objects when we visit the garden centre
Paying at the till at the cafe
Setting up a role play flower shop

CLL:- recording in our learning journeys about our trip
Looking at books about spring
Reading together books about mothers day.

@home:- are there bulbs coming up in your garden or can you see any at the park or somewhere else. Have you seen any ladybirds, bugs, frogs spawn.

Monday 5 March 2012

Week of 5th March

This week we will continue with our global awareness theme, talking about fair- trade.

We will be entertaining our grandparents to elevenses using fair trade foods and drinks.

We will be finishing off some crafts and jobs from last week and preparing a surprise for a forth coming special event!

PSRN:- Fruit and Vegetable shop. Board games and card games.

CLL:- Charlie and Lola chocolate book. Enjoying a poem about ourselves.

@Home:- Can you find the fair trade emblem at home or at the shops.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Friday's Celebration Event

On Friday 2nd March, there will be some displays in the hall from each class
showing their work this week on Global Awareness. Each class will also have
some food they have made to sell! We shall also be putting on some dance and
music displays throughout the afternoon. This is intended to be a very
informal celebration of the week's work and you are invited to join us at any
time from 2.15p.m. until 3.45p.m. There will also be a Traidcraft stall selling
Fairtrade items and providing information. If you are not able to come along
you might give your child a small amount of money for them to buy some food
from the other class stalls.

Mid Week question

Please bring in a picture of a birthday party for a letter toLamin and Mustapha in Gambia.

Week of 27th February 2012

This week we will be joining with the school to explore global awareness week. We will be exploring maps and the globe and plotting on the map where our snacks and school lunch comes from.

We will prepare some food for the celebrations cafe on Friday.

We will be creating a work of art to display at school.

we will be enjoying different kinds of music from around the world and lots of different musical instruments.

we are going to write a letter to Lamin and Mustapha in Mandinari (Gambia) telling them about our pre-school, we would also like to send some photos of how we celebrate birthdays. Would you have a party photo of your child we could send? Please let us Know.

PSRN:- One Child, One seed-A south African Counting Book.
Song:- 5 brown baguettes

CLL:- Lots of books from around the worlds, including Charlie and Lola love chocolate and Handas Surprise. A is for Africa, I is for India, Around the world in an afternoon. Maps and Atlases.

@Home:- Look out for the far trade logo on food at the shops and at home.
Look at an atlas at home. Bring in a party photo please.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Mid week question

What was your favourite topping on your pancakes?

Sunday 19 February 2012

Week of 20-25th February

Welcome back!
We will begin this week learning about pancakes, stories, cooking and races.

Our ingredients for pancakes will include Fair Trade food which will lead us into a whole school themed week about 'global awareness' we hav lots of activities planned including music, stories, food and art.

We will be writinf a letter to Lamin and Mustapha in Mandinars (Gambia) telling them about out preschool, we would also like to send some photos of how we celebrate birthdays. Would you have a party photo of your child we could send? Please let us know.

PSRN:- Using natural materials such as pine cones, shells, pebbles to count and sort.

CLL:- Mr Wolfs Pancakes book + Cd
Lots of books from around the world including Charlie and Lola love chocolate and Handas Suprise.
Maps and Atlasas

@Home:- Look out for the fair trade logo on food at the shops and at home.

Sunday 5 February 2012

week of 6th February 2012

This week from the interest of some of the children we will be constructing using junk.

Learning about bugs and insects.

Cooking using the last of our eggs from Sam and John in year 1 and 3.

Celebrating Valentines day.

Completing and publishing our pre-school newspaper.

A busy week I am sure you will agree!!!

Happy Half Term Holidays.

PSRN:- Using natural materials such as pine cones, shells, pebbles to count and sort.

CLL:- Enjoying the stories of Percy the park keeper.

New book- The love bugs

Looking at gardening books to understand information can be relayed in the form of print.

@Home:- Continue to listen to different kinds of music, thinking about why we enjoy and what we can hear.
Who is Percy? Can you remember what little animals are in the stories.

Monday 30 January 2012

Our new playground ideas

Please take a look at the link of the childrens ideas. Please feel free to add your ideas.

week of 30th January 2012

This week we will be continuing with our Goldilocks and the three bears. We will also be starting a small project with the children to find out what they would like from an outside area and what they like to play with outside. We will be dong some research on the Internet, looking at catalogues and books, drawing, cutting and sticking to make a 'wish list'.

PSRN:- Size and language related to size. Comparisons of size. Number recognition and counting. Matching and sorting.

CLL:- Goldilocks and the three bears, recalling and retelling the story. Sounds and Letters will be musical instruments, playing with instruments, learning their names and recognising the sounds.

@Home:- We have been playing lots of different CD'S and styles of music in the mornings and getting the children to listen and say if they like it, what does it make them think about and what instruments can they hear. They could do this  at home. We have been listening to Adele and Ellie Goulding this week so whatever you enjoy at home is great!

Friday 27 January 2012

Science Family Fun - THS

The Thomas Hardye School is pleased to invite you on Saturday 17th March, 2012 from 1.00 till 4.00pm to 'Science Family Fun' in the Science Area. Bring your family and friends and come and work through a range of experiments and problem solving activities. This is a rolling programme of events involving St. Osmund's, Dorchester Middle, Puddletown St. Mary's and the Thomas Hardye School. Participating students will be awarded a school ceetificate. Attendance at three Science Family Fun Days will lead to the award of a CREST Science Investigators Star certificate. -Celebrating National Science and Engineering Week "Our World in Motion" - Open to all members of the public - Admission free - Refreshment available donations to Julia's House - Fair Trade produce available.

Thursday 26 January 2012

A note from Mr. Butcher's Blog - FREE SMARTIES

Taken from Mr. Butcher's Blog - I (Mr. Butcher) am giving away Free tubes of smarties to those that want to help with fundraising. There is a catch……you can eat the smarties but then save up all those odd 20 pence pieces putting them in the empty tube, once full you bring the tube to me with the money inside (about £6) and I will give you a new tube full of smarties to start all over again.

Song for Dorchester - Tag Cloud

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our tag cloud for the 'Song for Dorchester'. The tag cloud created can now be seen by clicking the image on our blog, the more popular a word was, the bigger it appears in our tag cloud. I have now sent this through to the Mayor of Dorchester so that it can be used as part of the wider project. Thank-you again for your help. Mr. Spracklen

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Mid week questions

How many teddies are in your house?

Please write answer on star (which is in your pigeon holes) and bring back to preschool.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Week of 23rd January 2012

This week we will be enjoying and learning using the story of Goldilocks and the Three bears. The Tree House theatre will be coming in on Tuesday to perform this story. They have been to us a number of times before and are very good.
We will be doing lots of number activities, cooking with oats and role playing the story.

PSRN:- Size and language related to size
Comparisons of size
Number recognition and counting
Matching and sorting

CLL:- Goldilocks and the three bears, recalling and retelling the story.
Sounds and letters will be musical instruments, playing with instruments, learning their names and recognising their sounds.

@Home:- Talk about the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, can you retell it to your child, perhaps put in something different and see if they notice.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Mid week question

What was their favourite part of the library trip?

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Week 16th January 2012

This week we will be going to the library on the DASP mini bus. The children will be listening to stories, sining, looking around the library, and choosing books to share  with there friends at preschool. The children will be recording their trip in their green books with pictures, photos and words.
we will be makng bookmarks and organising activities around the books they choose.

PSRN:- Numbers through stories

CLL:- sounds and favourite books.

@Home:- Ask about the trip to the library. Can they remember what book they chose?

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Mr. Butcher's Blog

Mr. Butcher (site manager) will be embarking on a Trek in Nepal this May to raise funds for the Fostering Network. To keep us up to date with his fundraising progress and how the trip goes, Mr. Butcher has kindly set up his own blog which can be accessed by clicking the link on the school homepage or by going direct to: Please check out the blog and consider sponsoring Mr. Butcher for this worthwhile charity.

Saturday 14 January 2012


POWSA have raised £139.83 (as at 13/01/12) with so far but we need your help to keep donations coming in. Sign up at and start making a difference...simply by shopping. Shop Online and Raise Money! Have you heard about easyfundraising yet? It’s the easiest way to help raise money for Prince Of Wales School Association POWSA - Dorchester! If you already shop online with retailers such as Amazon, M&S, Argos, John Lewis, Comet, Vodafone, eBay, Boden and, then we need you to sign up for free to raise money while you shop! So how does it work?  You shop directly with the retailer as you would normally, but if you sign up to for free and use the links on the easyfundraising site to take you to the retailer, then a percentage of whatever you spend comes directly to us at no extra cost to yourself. How much can you raise?Spend £100 with M&S online or Amazon and you raise £2.50 for us. £100 with WH Smith puts £2.00 in our pocket and so on. There's over 2,000 retailers on their site, and some of the donations can be as much as 15% of your purchase. Save money too! Easyfundraising is FREE to use plus you'll get access to hundreds of exclusive discounts and voucher codes, so not only will you be helping us, you’ll be saving money yourself.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Mid week question

Can you remember the story we have been reading this week?

it would be great if you could leave a comment.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Streetwise Competition

LV=Streetwise is a Safety Activity Centre in Bournemouth that pupils in Year 2 visit each year. This year they are running a schools' competition to re-name the railway station (currently Streetwise Central). The overall winner's prize is First Class return train travel to London and entrance to Madame Tussauds for a family of four, with a runner up cheque for £50. There are two age groups - 8 and under and 11 and under - and both winners will be invited to LV=Streetwise for a presentation photograph in early April with one or more of the judges at the newly named railway station. The closing date is Friday 30th March 2012 giving the overall winner an exciting day out in London for the Easter holidays! If you would like more information or would like to enter the competition you can visit: to find out more.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

4th December 2011


This week we will be talking about what we did when we were on Christmas Holiday.

If your child or family went to a show, pantomime, concert, play etc please bring in a photo, programme, picture or something for us to look at and talk about, we will be planning the next weeks from that. we will also be in some traditional tales such as Cinderella.

PSRN:- Making a new number line. Children to choose the resources to match what we have been talking about.

CLL:- For this half term we will be focusing on sounds and letters, listening and talking, stories and rhymes.

@Home:- Play listening games indoors or on walks, asking what can they hear? Can your child make the sound themselves? Make a sound yourself and ask your child to guess what it might be (funny ones are good!!)

If you have been to a show, it would be great if you can bring in the programme.